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C + T + Space cheat modification

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 11:27 pm
by XkyRauh

And for Keen 3 theres a slight offset:

# When using c + t + space cheat in Keen 3, set Keen's ammo to 99. (Or any other values you want)
%patch $E70 $90 $00

#c t space cheat loses Keen his pogo
%patch $0E6A $00 $00
#Or gains it for the no pogo patch
%patch $0E6A $01 $00

#ctspace doesn't give keen any keycards
%patch $E7E $00


Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 11:51 am
by levellord
Silly me! That third patch *removes* all of Keen's keycards! THIS patch leaves them unchangd [he has what he had before:

Code: Select all

#Keen's keycards remain unchanged
%patch $0E7D $90 $90 $90

#Cheat doesn't affect Keen's ammo amount
%patch $0E6F $90 $90 $90

#Cheat doesn't affect if Keen has pogostick
%patch $0E69 $90 $90 $90

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 2:02 pm
by levellord
Right! lets do some fiddling with the window and text now shall we?

Code: Select all

#CTSpace textbpx:
%patch $0E3A $04 $00 #Height [In lines of text]
%patch $0E3E $1A $00 #Width [in letters]

#Text read from: [19820 + value = location]
#[$BF $23 has 228 chars free space!]
%patch $0E47 $7E $22 #First line
%patch $0E4F $95 $22 #Second line
%patch $0E57 $AB $22 #Third line
%patch $0E5F $C3 $22 #Forth line

#CTSpace text:
%patch $1BA9E "You are now cheating!" $0A $00
%patch $1BAB5 "You just got all the" $0A $00
%patch $1BACB "Key cards, and lots of" $0A $00
%patch $1BAE3 "ray gun charges." $00
And god mode..

Code: Select all

#God cheat textbox:
%patch $117F $01 $00 #Height [In lines of text]
%patch $1183 $14 $00 #Width [in letters]

#Text read from: [19820 + value = location]
#[$BF $23 has 228 chars free space!]
%patch $1194 $60 $23 #Godmode enabled
%patch $119E $71 $23 #Godmode disabled

#God mode cheat text:
%patch $1BB80 "God mode enabled" $00
%patch $1BB91 "God mode disabled" $00 

What's especially nice about this is that there is some free space a bit after the godmode cheat, this allows you to make long cheat texts without using up space elsewhere:

Code: Select all

%patch $117F $04 $00 #Height [In lines of text]
%patch $1183 $1D $00 #Width [in letters]
%patch $1194 $BF $23 #Godmode enabled [free space!]
%patch $119E $60 $23 #Godmode disabled [use god en space too]
%patch $1BBDF "The great God Adur appears to" $0A
              "Keen from the clouds. 'You" $0A
              "are granted invincibility!' he" $0A
              "booms. "Use it well!" $00
%patch $1BB80 $0A "The glow fades, 
              "Keen is Mortal..." $00

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:51 am
by levellass
As mentioned in the Keen 1 forum, I have developed a general patch structure for the CTSpace cheat, that allows you to change not only how much of something the cheat gives, but also *what*

As in the first post above, a value of zero will take something. Yes you can use this to skip levels by making them done.

Code: Select all

#What CTSpace cheat gives Keen:
%patch $0E6E $48 $9D $64 $00 #Ammo (100)
%patch $0E68 $1A $9D $01 $00 #Pogo (0 to steal pogo)
%patch $0E7C $1E $9D $01 $00 #ALL keys (0 to steal all keys) 

#What the first byte affects:
$1A: Pogo      $1E: All cards   $20; Red card $22: Green card 
$24: Blue card $26: Level 1     $28: Level 2  $2A: Level 3
$2C: Level 4   $2E: Level 5     $30: Level 6  $32: Level 7
$34: Level 8   $36: Level 9     $38: Level 10 $3A: Level 11
$3C: Level 12  $3E: Level 13    $40: Level 14 $42: Level 15
$44: Level 16  $46: Lives       $48: Ammo     $4A: Points
$4C: Points * 65536

Affecting the Ankh time requires a two byte alteration instead of one. 1 sec of Ankh time is 144 (= $90) Here we give not 4 cards, but 9 seconds of Ankh time when CTSpace is pressed: (The last two bytes are the amount.)

Code: Select all

#Patch keycard segment to give Ankh time:
%patch $0E7C $46 $99 $78 $05 #578 = 9 seconds
Some smart people will be wondering if we can patch the unused ship parts to be different things, such as rayguns with different ammo, of Ankhs with different immunity times. I have not checked, but I am pretty sure this can actually be done.

I hope this makes for some inventive uses of this cheat, especially since it can be reconfigured to a single key activation. (See the patch above.)
