
Completed patches for Keen6.
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Joined: Wed Oct 11, 2006 12:03 pm
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Post by levellass »

For our picky friend, a full rundown of the Keen 6 cheats. If anyone wants the same for Keen 4 or 5, they are a pittance to get.

Why disable a cheat? Well, aside from making the game harder, they also free up space (Especially useless ones like sprite and memory test.) This allows you, if you have good patching skills, to add things like extra sprite information to the game.

Code: Select all

#Free stuff (B + A + T)
%patch $7617 $5F     #Disable
%patch $762F $07 $00 #Height
%patch $7633 $14 $00 #Width
%patch $7644 $053DW  #Text called from

#Debug keys (A + 2 + Enter)
%patch $8092 $EB     #Disable
%patch $8095 $02 $00 #Height
%patch $8099 $14 $00 #Width
%patch $80AA $05D7W  #Text called from

#Disable ALL F10 cheats
%patch $717B $5F $5E $5D $CB

%patch $73B0 $EB     #Disable
%patch $6A37 $07 $00 #Height
%patch $6A3B $10 $00 #Width
%patch $6A47 $035AW  #Text called from (Memory...)
%patch $6A53 $0367W  #Text called from (----....)
%patch $6A5F $0374W  #Text called from (Total...)
%patch $6A9A $0380W  #Text called from (k, Free...)
%patch $6AC3 $038EW  #Text called from (k, With purge...)
%patch $6AEC $039CW  #Text called from (k)

#Sprite test (F10 + T)
%patch $6B08 $CB     #Disable
%patch $6B16 $11 $00 #Height
%patch $^B1A $1E $00 #Width

#Show secrets (F10 + Y)
%patch $7017 $5F $5E #Disable
             $5D $CB
%patch $701D $03 $00 #Height
%patch $7021 $18 $00 #Width
%patch $702D $041CW  #Text called from

#Border color (F10 + B)
%patch $7192 $90 $90 #Disable
%patch $719D $03 $00 #Height
%patch $71A1 $18 $00 #Width
%patch $71B2 $046AW  #Text called from

#Godmode (F10 + G)
%patch $7292 $EB     #Disable
%patch $72A1 $02 $00 #Height
%patch $72A5 $0C $00 #Width
%patch $72B8 $0480W  #Text called from (Off)
%patch $72C6 $048DW  #Text called from (On)

#Free Items (F10 + I)
%patch $72EE $EB     #Disable
%patch $72F6 $03 $00 #Height
%patch $72FA $0C $00 #Width
%patch $7306 $0499W  #Text called from

%patch $731D $0063W  #Keys (Of all kinds) given
%patch $7329 $0063W  #Shots given
%patch $732C $0001W  #Give all items
%patch $7342 $0BB8W  #Score increased by (Default 3000)
Note if the 'give items' value is larger than 1, Keen will not get the items, but the map things that require them will not affect him. He can thus walk through the Grabbiter, but also through the rocket (No trip for YOU!) until he gets the items in-game. Naturally if this value is 0, no items are given and things go as normal.

Code: Select all

#Jump cheat (F10 + J)
%patch $735B $EB     #Disable
%patch $7368 $03 $00 #Height
%patch $736C $12 $00 #Width
%patch $737F $04A4W  #Text called from (On)
%patch $738D $04B3W  #Text called from (Off)

#Clipping (F10 + N)
%patch $73C4 $EB     #Disable
%patch $73CC $03 $00 #Height
%patch $73D0 $12 $00 #Width
%patch $73E6 $04C2W  #Text called from (On)
%patch $73FD $04C2W  #Text called from (Off)

#Slow motion (F10 + S)
%patch $7442 $EB     #Disable
%patch $7456 $03 $00 #Height
%patch $7456 $12 $00 #Width
%patch $746D $04E1W  #Text called from (On)
%patch $747B $04F0W  #Text called from (Off)

#Add VBLs (F10 + V)
%patch $74B2 $90 $90 #Disable
%patch $74BD $03 $00 #Height
%patch $74C1 $1E $00 #Width
%patch $74D2 $0500W  #Text called from

#Level warp (F10 + W)
%patch $7442 $EB     #Disable
%patch $753B $90 $90 #Disable
%patch $7550 $03 $00 #Height
%patch $7554 $1E $00 #Width
%patch $7565 $0520W  #Text called from
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