Code: Select all
#Pogo gives Keen xx shots
%patch $7AD6 $C7 $06 $48 $9D $xx $00
#Pogo tiles dissapear when touched, without ANY othe effects
%patch $7AD6 $7E $06 $48 $9D $01 $00
#Pogo sets Keens shots to xx, whilst playing exit sound
%patch $7AD6 $C6 $06 $48 $9D $xx $00
#Pogo exits level, for level 16, wins game.
%patch $7AD6 $C9 $06 $48 $9D $01 $00
#Pogo gives an extra keen.
%patch $7AD6 $FF $06 $46 $9D $90 $90
#Pogo gives ankh time. Here 10s (10 * 144 = $06C0)
%patch $7AD6 $81 $06 $46 $99 $C0 $06 $EB $CB
And we can fiddle the Raygun tile!:
#Raygun to give ankh time. Here 10s (10 * 144 = $06C0)
%patch $7ACB $81 $06 $46 $99 $C0 $06 $EB $CB
#Raygun gives an extra keen.
%patch $7ACB $FF $06 $46 $9D $90 $90
#Raygun exits level, for level 16, wins game. [level not done]
%patch $7ACB $C9 $06 $48 $9D $01 $00
#Raygun tiles dissapear when touched, without ANY othe effects
%patch $7ACB $7E $06 $48 $9D $01 $00
#Raygun sets Keens shots to xx, whilst playing exit sound
%patch $7ACB $C6 $06 $48 $9D $01 $00
And the single bullet:
#Set single bullet to give ankh time. Here 10s (10 * 144 = $06C0)
%patch $7BD2 $81 $06 $46 $99 $C0 $06 $EB $CB
#Single bullet gives extra Keen
#Side effect: replacement tile is tile 26 [$20]
%patch $7BD2 $FF $06 $46 $9D $90 $90
#Raygun exits level, for level 16, wins game. [level not done]
%patch $7BD2 $C9 $06 $48 $9D $01 $00
#Raygun tiles dissapear when touched, without ANY othe effects
%patch $7BD2 $7E $06 $48 $9D $01 $00
#Raygun sets Keens shots to xx, whilst playing exit sound
%patch $7BD2 $C6 $06 $48 $9D $01 $00