Both a summary of existing topics and a few new additions:
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#Initial speed [right]
%patch $3E68 $32 $00
#Walking left
%patch $4AC4 $CE $FF
#Walking right
%patch $4AD0 $32 $00
#Running away right
%patch $4B6C $FA $00
#Running away left
%patch $4B74 $06 $FF
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#Initial right speed IF vortikid is spawned higher in the level then Keen
%patch $3CDA $FA $00
#Initial [left] speed IF vortikid is spawned LOWER than Keen
%patch $3CD3 $06 $FF
#All three of these control the right speed after kid hits a wall
#Change at least one to edit.
#%patch $438C $FA $00
#%patch $43D4 $FA $00
#%patch $438C $FA $00
#Both of these control kid left speed after it hits a wall
#BOTH must be edited
%patch $4380 $06 $FF
%patch $43C8 $06 $FF
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#A LEFT speed triggered by some variable. [Becomes default if vorticon does something.]
%patch $42A3 $5A $00
#Initial left speed [occasionally used.]
%patch $41D3 $A6 $FF
#A right speed sometimes used.
%patch $41DB $78 $00
#Vorticon left speed when touching a wall
%patch $41F9 $A6 $FF
#Vorticon left speed when touching a wall
%patch $5CD6 $78 $00
#Vorticon right speed when touching a wall
%patch $4205 $5A $00
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#Right AND left speed
#%patch $3D35 $FE $FF
#Right speed when touching a wall
%patch $44B2 $32 $00
#Left speed when touching a wall
%patch $44A6 $FE $FF
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#Vorticon elite
#Jumping right speed
%patch $4916 $FA $00
#Jumping left speed
%patch $4924 $06 $FF
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#Meep left bullet speed
%patch $483A $38 $FF
#Meep right bullet speed
%patch $4855 $C8 $00
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#Vertical platforms
#Initial speed [until hits wall] = right
%patch $3FFB $4B $00
#Final speed right
%patch $4CA6 $4B $00
#Final speed left
%patch $4CC5 $B5 $FF
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#Horizontal platform speed
#Initial speed [until hits wall] = right
%patch $3FB9 $4B $00
#Final right speed
%patch $4C6A $4B $00
#Final left speed
%patch $4C89 $B5 $FF
%patch $3D3C $32 $00
%patch $3E61 $CE $FF
%patch $3C78 $5A $00
%patch $41E3 $5A $00
%patch $421b $5A $00
%patch $4270 $5A $00
%patch $3C71 $A6 $FF
%patch $4219 $A6 $FF
%patch $4264 $A6 $FF
%patch $3DA9 $78 $00
%patch $421D $78 $00
%patch $5ADF $78 $00
%patch $5B1B $78 $00
%patch $5B57 $78 $00
%patch $5B83 $78 $00
A brief explaination: These patches control the enemy speeds. SOmetimes a speed is used for bothe right and left speeds, often two different and opposite speeds are used. The higher the speed number, the faster, unless the number ends with $F# [i.e $B5 $FE, $06 $FF, etc] in which case it is negative. Using negative speeds will make an enemy walk backwards, or run toward Keen instead of away from him. [If used with shooting enemies, they then appear to shoot behind them.]
The $FF speeds are usually the 'negative' of their corresponding positive speeds. [For example $A6 $FF is the reverse of $5A $00] negative values are [usually] left, positive, right.
The speeds relating to 'when touching wall' usually make the sprite turn around when it hits a wall instead of dumbly trying to walk through it. If you make this small, the sprite will seem to 'stick' to the wall before escaping. If you make it zero it will stick permenantly.
If you have any questions about what a specific speed does, don't hesitate to ask.